Where we started
In 1958 the first Pewarta Kejiwaan Subud which contained
advice and talks by Bapak was published.
In 1983 at the 7th World Congress in the UK, the 1st official
Subud internet project began – SUBUDNET.
10 years ago Subudlibrary.net was established.
Over time the WSA, countries, zones, and groups have developed their
own websites.
Where we are
Today the websites have a different look, different information about
Subud and are often not secure. We have a number of official and
unofficial Subud sites.
Members also post information about Subud, including talks, on social
media sites like Facebook, which can bring us together but in the wrong
hands could impact us all.
Now imagine the futur
Our Subud name, symbol and identity presented
under Bapak’s guidelines.
One professional private global portal where we’re all connected, with
resources and information we can share easily and securely to
continue to carry out Bapak’s vision.
Getting off the ground
The project emerged during the Basara Youth Camp in Kalimantan last
year when it was awarded a $2,000 SESI prize and the idea was
welcomed by the WSA.
The project came to Freiburg looking for a team to help bring this
idea to the next stage. He has linked up with members in Australia,
the UK? and the US who have been working on new Subud applications
and members from Indonesia who have worked with the WSA, Wings
and on the Congress Subud Village.
Phase 1 : $2000 to creating the 1st official Subud Member Directory
Phase 2 : $80,000 to creating the v1 portal & social application
Phase 3 : 120,000 to create the v2 Subud Library application
Join us and help us create
One space dedicated to Subud.